shepherding & Member care DISTRICTS
Shepherding teams exist to provide spiritual care and encouragement to the congregation. Our shepherding/care team groups team members work to deliver the best care to our congregation as possible.
Shepherding districts are divided by last name. You can reach out to Elders, Deacons, or Care Team Members by email for prayer requests, resources, connection, and more.​
A - D

ELDER: Ron Nydam
Email: rjnydam@calvinseminary.edu
DEACON: Ann Parker
Email: Annsgardenscapes@gmail.com
CARE TEAM: Mike & Shari Aman
Email: aman1851@msn.com
E - L

ELDER: Victor Perez
Email: adventemb@msn.com
DEACON: Tami Zietse
Email: ttzietse@msn.com
CARE TEAM: Carol Buikema
Email: carolbuikema5@gmail.com
M - R

ELDER: Mari-Jo Jones
Email: mj@surveystudio.com
DEACON: Amanda VanAndel
Email: savanandel@gmail.com
Email: klwind@hotmail.com
S - Z

ELDER: Laurie Moll
Email: laurie.moll@gmail.com
DEACON: Reba Bull
Email: rebatoro@msn.com
CARE TEAM: Risa Herrema
Email: r.wolffis@hotmail.com